Name : Ilyasa Maula Akbar
NIM : 2270402025
Class : 2A Penerbitan

Stiker Publishing
PT. Doodle Publishing

> Background
Stikers are promotional media whose application is affixed to the product as the identity of a brand so that it is easily recognized by the target market and differentiates it from competitors. A good sticker should be easy to remember in terms of shape and visual graphics.Stiker produtcts also can make a nice low cost addition for existing businesses with other retail products.

> Vision
To describe product characteristics that would not be obvious from simple inspection, and to clarify printing errors.

> Mission
1. For objects that require words or writing to define them.
2. Its use is usually found as a product label from a particular company to define the product in question.
3. Create a characteristic of the different results when published.

> Business Model
- Key Partners
1) Printing
2) Marketing
- Value Promotions
1) Available in various shapes and sticker
- Key Activities
1) Design the stikers
2) A sablon stikers
3) Digital printing stikers
- Key Resources
1) Stikers machines and tools
2) Workers who are competent in designing stikers
- Customer Relationship
1) Promote stikers product at affordable prices
- Customer Segment
1) Student and society
- Cost Structure 
1) Budget for marketing and stiker promotion
- Chanels  
1) Polimedia publishing
2) Stiker publishing
- Revenue Streams
1) Initial capital
2) Stiker sale

> Analisis Swot
- Streght
1) Offer affordable prices among consumers
2) The company carries out high-quality control on all products.
3)The company has a good name in consumers.
4) Strategic location.
- Opportunities
Utilizing technology so that the results of making stickers are good and many enthusiasts buy stickers.
1) Limited sales force in the company.
2) Transaction are still fully dependent on sale.
3) Lack of promotion
4) The company has not utilized technology.
> Threats
A new competitor marketing a sticker with the latest shape and image motifs to increase buyers.

Working Time
Monday     8AM to 9PM
Tuesday     8AM to 9PM
Wenesday  8AM to 9PM
Thursday   8AM to 9PM
Friday        8AM to 9PM
Saturday    8AM to 6PM
Sunday      Closed


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